
ChanYeong Heo
Graduate Student (M.S.) (2024.03 ~ )- Generative AI Models
- Diffusion Probabilistic Generative Model

MinGyu Kim
Graduate Student (M.S.) (2024.03 ~ )- V2X data abnormal detection
- Motion Planning for Autonomous Driving

JeongHo Kim
Graduate Student (M.S) (2024.09 ~ )- Graph Representation Learning
- Deep Learning

SeungWon Jung
Graduate Student (M.S.) (2025.03 ~ )- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning

HwaRang Kwon
Graduate Student (M.S.) (2025.03 ~ )- Graph Representation Learning
- Deep Learning
YeChan Jeong
Graduate Student (M.S.) (2025.03 ~ )- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning

Anytime- Grduate Student
- Undergraduate student is also available
Jinhee Kwak
Master's Degree | 2024.02Thesis : Analysis of Imbalanced ECG Class Classification using Diffusion Augmentation
JunHo Shin
Master's Degree | 2023.02Current : AI Researcher, LG U+
Thesis : CBCA Criteria Statement Calssification using Data Augmentation
JungSoo Shin
Master's Degree | 2023.02Current : AI Enginner, 한국조선해양 AI Center , HYUNDAI
Thesis : A Study on the Classification and Caption Generation of ASL by Stratified Learning Model Using Clustering Groups
Vu Thi Thuy Duong
Master's Degree | 2022.08Current : Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Ho Chi Minh City
Thesis : A study on Gene Ontology based protein function annotion using pretrained embeddings
Girum Fitihamlak Ejigu
Master's Degree | 2022.02Current : Ph.D Student, Kyunghee Univ.
Thesis : Homology Based Organellar Gene Search Plot and Functional Annotation