
Jaehee Jung
Associate Professor
Dr. Jung received her master’s degree in Computer Sciences at Korea University, Korea in 2002, and Ph.D degree in Computer Sciences at Texas A&M University, USA in 2008, respectively. From March 2002 to June 2003, she had worked at Mobile software group in LG electronics, Seoul. Korea. In Feb 2009, she had joined Application software team in Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea. She was with the Department of General Education, Hongik University, Korea, in 2015. Since 2019, she has been with the Department of Information and Communications Engineering, MyongJi University, South Korea. Her data science research focuses especially on the development of computational methods to improve understanding of practical big data.
- Post Doctoral Fellow, The Institute for Plant Genomics Biotechnology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA (Aug 2008 - Dec 2008)
- Ph.D. in Computer Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA (Aug 2003 - Aug 2008)
- - Dissertation title: Automatic Assignment of Protein Function with Supervised Classifiers (Advisor: Dr. Michael R. Thon
- Master in Computer Science, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea (Mar 2000 - Feb 2002)
- - Thesis title: Design and Implementation of An Electronic Program Guide System based on TV Anytime Concept (Advisor: Dr. Seong-Whan Lee)
- Bachelor of Science in Statistics Computer Science, Dongduk Women's University, Seoul, Korea (Mar 1996 - Feb 2000)
Work Experiences
- Associate professor, Myongji University, Kyounggi-do, Korea (Sep. 2023 - current)
- LINC+ 사회맞춤형학과 중점형 스마트클라우드형 인공지능 트랙 책임 교수 (Mar. 2021 - Feb. 2022)
- Assistant professor, Myongji University, Kyounggi-do, Korea (Sep. 2019 - Aug. 2023)
- Assistant professor, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea (Mar. 2015 – Aug. 2019)
- Lecturer, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea (Sep. 2014 - Feb. 2015)
- Senior Engineer at Samsung Electronics Inc., Suwon, Korea (Feb. 2009 – Aug. 2014)
- - Train and test the user preference paths & places using the GPS information
- - Design and implement the eBook application based on Bada & Android platform
- Graduate Research Assistant, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA (May 2005 - Aug 2008)
- - The Automatic Assigning Protein Function with Supervised Classifiers
- - FPC-DB: the fungal protein cluster database
- Assistant Research Engineer, LG Electronic Inc., Seoul, Korea (Mar 2002 - Jun 2003)
- - The application implemantation based on the Qualqumn and BASE SDK
- - The application implemantation based on the WIPI (Wireless Internet Platform for Interoperability platform
- Research Engineer, VirtualMedia Co., Ltd. Seoul, Korea (Jul 2001 - Feb 2002)
- - Non-Liner Editor: Implementation of complete program using specific board with Korea Broadcast System
- - Tools for editing video and audio clips like 3D effecting, automatic scene change detection
External Services
- Societal committees and leadership.
- Reviewer
- - Journal of Cloud Computing
- - BMC Genomics
- - BMC Bioiformatics
- - IEEE Access
- - PeerJ Computer Science
- - Journal of Supercomputing
- - Future Generation Computer Systems
- - Journal of Information Processing Systems
- - Multimedia Tools and Applications
- - Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing
- - International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems
Honor & Award
- IAP Scholarship, Texas A&M University, USA (Aug 2004)
- Graduate Student Scholarship, Texas A&M University, USA (Aug 2003)
- Academic scholarship, Korea University, Korea (Mar 2000 - Feb 2002)
- Graduated Summa cum Laude, Dongduk Women’s University (Feb 2000)
- Academic scholarship, Dongduk Women’s University (Mar 1996 – Feb 1999)